
The basics if you need to write a paper/do a research project for a class and want to do it on cosplay:
So you want to write a paper or do research on cosplay (a flow chart)
Types of Sources
What are scholarly, refereed or peer-reviewed sources?
How do I tell if a journal is peer-reviewed/refereed or scholarly?
How do I tell if a book is scholarly?

An annotated list of articles/books/etc that discuss cosplay:
Cosplay Bibliography

Other useful sources
Academic Journals
These are journals are great places to take a look. Only Scholarly/Peer Reviewed journals are listed.

Mechademia. University of Minnesota Press. 1934-2489

Primary Sources:
These are obviously not peer reviewed or scholarly but are good resources for datamining or observing trends/insights about the community.

Cosplay Culture
Cosplay Realm

Cosplay Mode (formerly CosMode)

(Unfortunately cosplay magazines tend to be fairly short lived.)
Cosplay Gen
Cosplayers Among Us

Cos Culture