
Cosbrary is a pet project that came about from my adventures in being an academic librarian who couldn’t find a solid bibliography regarding cosplay and has evolved to be a bit more updated for the current digital landscape than a traditional bibliography would be. If you would like a panel presented at your convention, wish to contact me or have a suggestion/addition please use to contact form linked above.


I’m a full time librarian based in Texas who’s been at this over six years now. I have also been cosplaying since 2004 so I’ve been here watching the trends and crying over wigs for a good while now. I sometimes compete in contests at conventions but at this point I have more fun on the off chance I get to judge them. And yes I have even cosplayed a librarian but once I saw that there was a librarian in Pokemon Sun/Moon literally how could I not? My partner in crime is Norman the Cubone, he sometimes cosplays as well and is definitely the more photogenic and personable of the two of us.
